Clinic Operations Resuming May 4th: Here's What You Need to Know

Dear Patients & Friends of the BBNC,

As we gear up to resume operations on May 4th, we must inform everyone of our social distancing and prevention protocols to ensure the safety of you all and our staff.

All patients must follow these protocols for entry into the clinic:

1. Wear your own mask or face-covering at all times. We are unable to provide masks to patients due to limited supplies.

2. Wash your hands at the outdoor sink station for at least 20 seconds with soap.

3. Consent to a temperature check (forehead infrared scan) immediately upon arrival inside.

4. Maintain social distance of 6 feet inside the clinic whenever applicable.

5. If you are experiencing any cold/flu symptoms, or have knowingly been exposed to COVID-19, do not enter the clinic. 

8-10AM are reserved for our most potentially susceptible patients, those who are 65 and older and/or with significant health complications (heart disease, diabetes, compromised immune systems, etc.). Those most vulnerable are not required to only come between 8-10AM, but rather this time has been set aside for you as a maximum precaution on our end. We also will be returning to our Friday hours of 8AM-2PM. All treatments will be by APPOINTMENT ONLY, as we will only be allowing a maximum of six patients in the clinic at a time. Early arrivals must wait in their cars prior to their scheduled appointment.

Finally, as was the case before we suspended operations, we will have intensified sanitation procedures in place for doctors and staff, too.

Phones will be open Saturday, May 2nd, and Sunday, May 3rd, between 9AM and 5PM to schedule appointments for May 4th and beyond. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to call or reach out on social media. Together, we can safely resume operations and ensure everyone who needs it has access to our care.

In health,

Dr. Dave, Dr. Squires, and the Brouillette Back and Neck Clinic Staff

October 2017 Named Chiropractic Health Month in Wisconsin

In recognition of the Wisconsin Chiropractic Association's efforts with the Governor's Office to help promote non-invasive, drug-free approaches to healthcare and pain management, October 2017 has been named Chiropractic Health Month in the state of Wisconsin.

In light of the rise of the prescription opioid abuse crisis, chiropractic has been recognized at the state level as a major part of the approach to curb what is quickly becoming one of the most intense public health issues of our generation.

The Brouillette Back and Neck Clinic is proud and appreciative of the efforts of the Wisconsin Chiropractic Association and the Governor's Office to combat dangerous opioids head-on by promoting the safe, effective, and holistic alternative that is chiropractic care.